Field Trip

Upper Cretaceous depositional systems and paleogeography

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  • Field trip February 24-28, 2025
  • Deadline for registration February 10, 2025


Day 1: Villavicencio-Quebrada Sagú-Villavicencio
Day 2: Villavicencio-Medina-Gazaunta river-Villanueva
Day 3: Villanueva -San Luis de Gaceno- San Antonio creek-Monterrey (*)
Day 4: Monterrey- La Pescana creek-Monterrey (*)
Day 5: Monterrey -Lengupa River-Yopal

Price includes:

  • Terrestrial transportation (vans and 4×4 vehicles) from Villavicencio to Yopal Hotels in Villavicencio. Villanueva and Monterrey (total of 4 nights) in double occupancy.
  • Meals, snacks, hydration.
  • Field-trip guide.
  • First-aid assistance and medical insurance.
  • Depending upon the assistance, the 3 leaders will be in the field.

If there is a problem with the access to these outcrops due to weather conditions or close to major roads by landslides, we can visit alternative Cretaceous exposures near to Yopal.
Brief abstract Evaluate the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous succession with
your own observations in the field, having input from outcrop to regional-scale descriptions, and gain a new perspective of the role of these units for oil exploration and CO2 sequestration.
Five important points Geologic discussions with geologist of diverse backgrounds in the field are more realistic, as the data (or source of data) are on the outcrop, from mm to m scale!
Your own observations in the field increase your geological expertise.
Outcrops provide intermediate scale and dimensionality information between well and seismic data.
Outcrop observation will be accompanied with digital outcrop models of ARES ́scollection.
Clue sedimentological data supply a better definition of 3D depositional model Evaluation of pre-existing structures in deposition and source area location.


  • Field trip will begin at 9:00 am on February 24 at Villavicencio airport and will end at 4:00 pm
    on February 28 at Yopal airport.
  • The cost of air travel is not included in the budget.
  • Participants are expected to make their own arrangements to arrive to and depart from Villavicencio and Yopal airports. If you plan to travel by air, we suggest purchasing tickets in advance to avoid price surges.
  • While trip is not strenuous, it is recommended to be in good shape to be able to walk in high temperatures along irregular terrain and creeks for several hours. We will count on first-aid trained personnel for assistance.


Jairo Roncancio

Jairo Roncancio

Geologist with more than 30 years of experience working in stratigraphic and geological mapping in several sedimentary basins of Colombia, involving detailed description of stratigraphic columns, facial analysis of stratigraphic sections, petrographic analysis and systematized processing of technical information.

Mauricio Baquero

Mauricio Baquero

Experienced in supporting research through 3D, cartographic and schematic representations of basin evolution at multiple scales. Conducted multiple field campaigns in different Colombian basins.

German Bayona

German Bayona

His research interest includes the comprehensive analysis of continental and marine syntectonic strata, geometric/kinematic evolution of the adjacent orogenic belts, and application of paleomagnetic techniques for tectonic, structural and stratigraphic studies. He has led > 20 field trips for oil companies in different sedimentary basins in Colombia and Venezuela, and worked as stratigraphy/sedimentology consultant for several oil companies for 33 yrs.